MSFS 2020 VFR Map Bug with A2A Comanche

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MSFS 2020 VFR Map Bug with A2A Comanche

Post by Propellerhead »


Recently got the Comanche from A2A site. To say I love it is an understatement! That being said, there seems to be a glitch with the Comanche and using a flightplan no matter what GPS is used (PMS50 or WT's). As soon as I bring up the MSFS default VFR map (I use it as a traffic screen) and if a flightplan is active the magenta line disappears and a whole slew of white lines appear in the GPS('s). I'm guessing the lines are based on how many waypoints but not sure. I've already figured out this is due to the GPS function on the MSFS VFR map is automatically enabled and there no way to turn it off before bringing it up. Also, when looking at the FPL section in the PMS50 GTN750 after a flight the other day it seemed the entire FPL started over again in the list of waypoints (i.e.: started at the bottom of the destination). I checked with other aircraft and this "white line thing" does not seem to happen? Any insight anyone?

Thanks for any input.


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Joined: 08 Jan 2025, 00:07

Re: MSFS 2020 VFR Map Bug with A2A Comanche

Post by Propellerhead »

Fixed. It had to do with the PMS50. I replaced it with the TDS and works just fine.

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