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Issues with settings in saved flights

Posted: 19 Jan 2018, 13:14
by HenkR#01
I found the following issues(?!) with the otherwise stunning A2A P-51D:
They all have to do with the way I like to start a flight in FSX, the plane cold & dark, starting with a spot view on it.

1. When wheelchocks selected, also parking brake is set. It is not possible to put wheelchocks and then release parking brake (as per official manual), because releasing the brake also cancels the wheelchocks.

2. After landing and engine shut-down I save the flight from a position in spot view. The following happens:
a. With Auto-Cold&Dark option DISABLED status of these things are not saved:
- position of emergency hydraulic lever, which is ON when flight is reloaded, while it was OFF when saved!Annoying!
- pilot shown in plane, when removed before save is in plane when reloaded.
- wheelchocks. (pilot always appears when switched from VC to oudside view)
- status of coolant and oil switches.
b. With Auto-Cold&Dark option ENABLED status of these things are not saved:
- status of coolant and oil switches.
- flaps down (not according to manual)

I have tried finding some settings in .cfg and .flt files but cannot solve these items.

Are these issues easely fixed (some settingsin some file?) or is there a lot of work for A2A involved?
I Always go for maximum realism and solving these issues would be appreciated!


Re: Issues with settings in saved flights

Posted: 19 Jan 2018, 14:10
by Oracle427
I can't speak to the specifics of the A2A P-51, but I understand that there are limitations of the simulation engine that do not allow the state of many controls to be made persistent.

Re: Issues with settings in saved flights

Posted: 19 Jan 2018, 19:48
by Skycat
With Auto Cold and Dark enabled, I think the fluid temperatures are the same as ambient temperature when the sim is loaded, whereas when C&D is disabled the temperatures load as the aircraft's last saved state.

My military P-51D has been loading with flaps down and hydraulic release pulled. I'm not in the habit of releasing the hydraulic pressure or lowering flaps when parked so I assume auto C&D is doing that for me.

The pilot appears automatically when you switch to the cockpit view. Try saving the aircraft in external view and no pilot, and loading in external view.

Edit: I read some parts of the initial post wrong. Oh well.