In this topic, you can find a summary of Accu-Sim updates released using our latest update system. At present, this applies to all products for Lockheed Martin Prepar3D v4 and Prepar3D v5 along with the Bonanza 35 for Microsoft Flight Simulator X.
To apply updates for these products, simply click the relevant Check For Updates icon in the Windows Start Menu under the "A2A Simulations" group.

Do you own one of the Accu-Sim aircraft for Prepar3D v4 but don't see the update icon? Chances are you have an outdated version of the product installer. Please see this announcement for more information.
To receive email notification of new updates, click the wrench icon at top left and tick "subscribe topic". To receive updates for other Accu-Sim aircraft for Flight Simulator X and Prepar3D v3, please refer to the information in this thread.

Accu-Sim T-6 Texan
Version Changes
- Fixed bug with elevator trim introduced in version
- Restored oil clean kit functionality.
- Restored oil clean kit functionality. (Note: 31/01/2021 0915z update temporarily withdrawn.)
- Fixed bug causing black screen on loading aircraft for some customers.
- Fixed mouse drag action on throttle, prop and carb heat levers.
- Added VR support for 2-D panel windows.
- Fixed mouse drag action on throttle, prop and carb heat levers.
- Fixed third-party GPS deflection of CDI on VOR indicator gauge.
- Added enhanced rainfall sound effects.
- Adjusted prop stall physics for improved response when taxiing.
- Added windshield rain effect.
- Added an option to select which audio device Accu-Sim sounds are played through ('Add-ons' menu → 'Accusim sound menu').
- Fixed bug causing 2-D map window to become wrongly-shaped.
- Reduced AFK "emergency" low power trigger from 10 hp to 1 hp.
- Revised AFK feature so that if the predicted time to ground contact is < 5 minutes, the sim will pause.
- Fixed physics bug that was activating in the air at the top of a loop.
- Fixed ground towing when moving aircraft left or right.

Accu-Sim B-17G Flying Fortress
Version Changes
- Reduced reflectivity of cockpit glass.
- Throttle lock now disables mouse dragging of throttle levers.
- Fixed auto-start not working properly when used after setting aircraft to cold and dark.
- Fixed exterior lights being available without electrical power.
- Fixed toe brakes not depressing fully if FSUIPC is installed.

Accu-Sim Spitfire I & II
Version Changes
- Fixed Mk. I top fuel tank button sound being triggerable via hardware shortcut in Mk. II.
- Fixed Mk. I manual gear pump sound being triggerable via hardware shortcut in Mk. II.
- Fixed bug causing 'pulsating' effect at high power settings with low airspeed.
- Added enhanced rainfall sound effects.
- Adjusted contact points in aircraft.cfg file to reduce likelihood of crash detection on aircraft load.
- Improved synchronization of Accu-Sim engine thrust with host simulator.
- Improved auto cold-and-dark behaviour to reset engine temperatures to ambient conditions.
- Added windshield rain effect.
- Added an option to select which audio device Accu-Sim sounds are played through ('Add-ons' menu → 'Accusim sound menu').
- Added additional support for home cockpit builders.
- Reduced AFK "emergency" low power trigger from 10 hp to 1 hp.
- Revised AFK feature so that if the predicted time to ground contact is < 5 minutes, the sim will pause.
- Fixed bug causing 2-D map window to become wrongly-shaped.
- Re-worked aircraft inertia and stability based on further testing with the Boultbee Flight Academy Spitfire pilots.
- Fixed lamp wire protruding through fuselage in Mk.II variants.
- Fixed pilot's sleeve protruding through fuselage when pilot is hidden.

Accu-Sim L-049 Constellation 'Captain of the Ship'
Version Changes
- Fixed issue whereby a crash would terminate career when career mode is off.
- Fixed autopilot pitch control shortcuts.
- Reduced fuel level at which emergency is declared.
- Increased ground speed at which flight deck windows will be closed.
- Yokes can now be hidden by clicking them.
- Fixed mouse drag action on carb air levers.

Accu-Sim P-51 Civilian
Version Changes (only applies to P3D v5)
- Tuned dynamic lighting effects for Hotfix 2.
- Fixed problem with default GPS gauge implementation.
- Added VR support for 2-D panel windows.
- Davtron M303 digital temperature gauge operates with just the battery on.
- COM and NAV enabled for third party GPS units without turning on the default radios.
- Fixed mouse drag action on throttle, prop and carb heat levers.
- Added windshield rain effect.
- Added enhanced rainfall sound effects.
- Added an option to select which audio device Accu-Sim sounds are played through ('Add-ons' menu → 'Accusim sound menu').
- Reduced AFK "emergency" low power trigger from 10 hp to 1 hp.
- Revised AFK feature so that if the predicted time to ground contact is < 5 minutes, the sim will pause.
- Fixed bug causing 2-D map window to become wrongly-shaped.

Accu-Sim Comanche 250
Version Changes (only applies to P3D v5)
- Tuned dynamic lighting effects for Hotfix 2.
- Fixed incorrect sound effects in early downloads.
- Added VR support for 2-D panel windows.
- Fixed mouse drag action on throttle, prop and carb heat levers.
- Fixed glideslope needle 'off' position on HSI.
- Improved auto cold-and-dark behaviour to reset engine temperatures to ambient conditions.
- Added enhanced rainfall sound effects.
- Added an option to select which audio device Accu-Sim sounds are played through ('Add-ons' menu → 'Accusim sound menu').
- Increased volume of autopilot trim warning sound.
- Reduced AFK "emergency" low power trigger from 10 hp to 1 hp.
- Revised AFK feature so that if the predicted time to ground contact is < 5 minutes, the sim will pause.
- Fixed artefacts around autopilot lights.
- Fixed bug causing 2-D map window to become wrongly-shaped.

Accu-Sim C172 Trainer
Version Changes (only applies to P3D v5)
- Tuned dynamic lighting effects.
- Fixed problem with default GPS gauge implementation.
- Fixed memory leak and crash to desktop involving Windshield.dll.
- Restored PBR cockpit model.
- Fixed cockpit floodlight switching.
- Added optimised glareshield lighting mode via aircraft configurator for supersampling antialiasing (SSAA) users.
- Restored gauge backlighting during day time.
- Added physically based rendering (PBR). Note that version 4.4 or later of Prepar3D is required to use this update.
- Added dynamic illumination of virtual cockpit.
- Improved instrument backlighting.
- Added VR support for 2-D panel windows.
- Added Aircraft Configurator support for RealityXP GTN 750/650.
- Improved support for RealityXP and Flight1 GNS 530/430 (e.g. animated bezel buttons, improved backlighting).
- Added backlight to Davtron M803 chronometer.
- Added choice of default GPS gauge to Aircraft Configurator (P3D version). The legacy fs9gps gauge is the recommended option; the p3dgps gauge includes some additional features but appears to be a work-in-progress.
- Added function to autotune ADF frequencies ending in .5 KHz.
- Added option to Aircraft Configurator to enlarge 2-D panels if using high display resolution such as 4K.
- Fixed mouse drag action on throttle lever.
- Added new livery (N346CP).
- Added native Prepar3D GPS integration supporting arrival and departure procedures for GNS 400.
- Added enhanced rainfall sound effects.
- Improved smoothing of oil temperature gauge needle movement.
- Fixed missing windshield rain effects when Flight1 dual GTN GPS configuration is selected.
- Added windshield rain effect.
- Added an option to select which audio device Accu-Sim sounds are played through ('Add-ons' menu 'Accusim sound menu').
- Improved smoothing of cowl and glareshield.
- Revised yoke manual electric trim rocker switch logic so it doesn't work without electrical power.
- Reduced AFK "emergency" low power trigger from 10 hp to 1 hp.
- Revised AFK feature so that if the predicted time to ground contact is < 5 minutes, the sim will pause.
- Fixed occasional autopilot runaway trim if simulator is paused.
- Fixed bug causing 2-D map window to become wrongly-shaped.

Accu-Sim Bonanza 35
Version Changes
- Tuned dynamic lighting effects (restored brighter landing and taxi lights in P3Dv4).
- Added VR support for 2-D panel windows in P3D v4.
- Fixed memory leak and crash to desktop involving Windshield.dll in P3D v5.
- Fixed excessively bright exterior lighting effects on PB materials in P3D v5.
- Reduced strobe light spill inwards onto wings.
- Fixed bug causing engine to quit while idling.
- Fixed bug preventing gauges from being fixed using hangar click-spots under certain conditions.
- Fixed stall warning horn requiring too high a voltage to operate.
- Fixed CHT reading slightly differently based on electrical current.
- Improved effectiveness of headset in reducing engine noise.
- Added function to autotune ADF frequencies ending in .5 KHz.
- Added choice of default GPS gauge to Aircraft Configurator (P3D version). The legacy fs9gps gauge is the recommended option; the p3dgps gauge includes some additional features but appears to be a work-in-progress.
- Added gauge tap physics for fuel gauge.
- Improved physics to simulate differing load on gear and flap motors resulting from air resistance and gravity.
- Increased electrical current from landing and taxi light operation.
- Replaced the 2000 fpm VSI with a 4000 fpm VSI which is more commonplace in V35Bs.
- Improved placement of HSI glideslope needle when below glideslope with needle parked.
- Improved nose strut animation to reduce tyre sink under braking.
- Improved synchronization of Accu-Sim engine thrust with host simulator.
- Improved auto cold-and-dark behaviour to reset engine temperatures to ambient conditions.
- Removed gauge tap action being triggered by mouse wheel.
- Fixed GNS 400 'in'/'out' tooltips.
- Fixed textures on rear cabin wall of external model (FSX).
- Fixed non-clickable touchscreen for single GTN 750 (FSX).
Note: the update to the Bonanza VSI means that if you use the no-mipmaps texture pack you'll need to re-download it from our store.
- Added function to Aircraft Configurator to specify which unit has NAV/COM1 status for dual GPS configurations.
- Added aileron trimmer on the control column hub.
- Added clickable pilot's operating handbook in the cockpit.
- Added 'model.ini' file allowing Bonanza emblem on cowling to be removed.
- Added an option to select which audio device Accu-Sim sounds are played through ('Add-ons' menu → 'Accusim sound menu').
- Added a deviation card for the magnetic compass (magnetic deviation not simulated).
- Added bezel night lighting to GTN units.
- Reduced backlighting intensity of RXP GTN units to better match 2-D displays.
- Tuned bezel lighting intensity of GNS units.
- Tuned prop flatting sound.
- Added airframe shakes at VNE.
- Added additional fix for potential aircraft instability when on jacks.
- 'Jacks' text is now highlighted on Shift 3 'controls' menu when aircraft is placed on jacks.
- Fixed 'PROC' button in virtual cockpit on default GNS 400.
- Fixed tool-tips for CHT and oil temperature.
- Fixed flap indicator being in 'up' position when aircraft loads, regardless of position of flaps.
- Restored fix for flaps jumping up when they're already in the down position and battery is switched on.
- Adjusted sizing of pop-up GPS windows.
- Improved smoothing of oil temperature and CHT gauge needles.
- Fixed stray pixels on tail surface of N41G livery.
- Restored oil pressure loss when cycling prop.
- Flaps won't jump up when aircraft is loaded and battery is turned on.
- Increased thrust at idle RPM allowing airplane to taxi better on less power.
- Tip tanks fuel is dumped when the main tanks are full during the fuel transfer.
- Installed a more powerful cabin heater.
- Stall warning now sounds when checked during the walkaround with the battery on.
- Reduced whiteness of rotating beacon.
- 'Repair All' in the maintenance hangar does not reset the engine hours.
- Reduced shimmering on the KA 285 autopilot mode annunciator.
- Fixed bug causing 2-D map window to become wrongly-shaped.
- Fixed unhandled exception for GPS and landing lights.
- Fixed ruddervator animation in multiplayer.
- Fixed nav lights bleedthrough in FSX.
- Fixed position and visibility of seat belts in external view.
- Fixed helper object visible in the nose gear well.
- Fixed UV mapping on main gear doors.
- Fixed autopilot occasionally behaving unpredictably with engine off.
- Incorporated another fix for altitude alerter rounding errors with 3rd party hardware.
- Included updated version of "A2A_Accusim.dll".
- Forced overwriting of existing Aircraft Configurator and Input Configurator files.
- Added gear and fuel selector shortcuts to the input configurator.
- KFC 200 APPR mode accepts GPS vertical guidance.
- KAS 297 altitude selector rounds hardware inputs to nearest 100.
- Fixed nav lights being independent of electrical power in FSX.
- Fixed default GNS 400 "PUSH CRSR" and GPSMAP 295 "QUIT" buttons.
- Fixed RXP GNS 430 "DIRECT TO" button.
- Fixed screen alignment for RXP GNS dual option.
- Enabled LinkVor and Crossfill settings in RXP .ini files.
- Yoke manual electric trim rocker switch doesn't work without electrical power.
- Fixed miscalculation for CHT cooling (°F/°C conversion error).
- Fixed flight director 'jumping' on headphones activation.
- Increased engine idle RPM slightly.
- Increased VNE in aircraft.cfg to delay overspeed crash detection.
- Corrected ATC call in aircraft.cfg.
- Corrected "Control wheel - remove" typo in walkaround.
- Fixed graphical artifact on inside of door glass.
- Reduced AFK "emergency" low power trigger from 10 hp to 1 hp.
- Revised AFK feature so that if the predicted time to ground contact is < 5 minutes, the sim will pause.
- Restored and improved stall physics.
- Removed obsolete "texture.a2a" directory.
- Magneto switch shortcut returns from start position when released.
- Fixed bug introduced in version that swapped left and right fuel gauge readings in cockpit.
- Optional textures without mipmaps made available via download for customers who have reported blurred graphics.
- Adjusted circuit breaker code.
- Enabled nose fuel strainer "drain more" button in walkaround.
- Removed references to fuel pump ON in checklist (Pilot's Notes).
- Moved flaps breaker into Accu-Sim so the flaps lever sound could be independent of electricity.
- Adjusted takeoff rotation and maneuvering speed for IAS and not CAS (Pilot's Notes).
- Fixed bug that could cause a flap hinge to not be properly reported in the maintenance hangar.
- Calibrated fuel tank gauges to read zero when three gallons of unusable fuel is in the tank.
- Increased gross weight by 100 lbs for IO-550 engine.
- Tuned nose wheel animation.
- Fuel injectors now replaceable in the maintenance hangar.
- Added more inertia to taxi physics.
- Updated walkaround flap photos.
- Removed spring loading from landing flaps lever.
- Restored missing cowling hinge.
No Mipmap Textures For P3Dv4 | No Mipmap Textures For FSX

Accu-Sim C182 Skylane
Version Changes
- Fixed fuel leak message in hangar and loss of engine oil related to prop shutdown animation.
- Fixed missing preflight inspection camera (P3Dv5 early downloads only).
- Fixed mouse drag action on throttle and prop levers.
- Adjusted torque curve for less power at lower RPM.
- Fixed background colour of start menu tiles (P3Dv5 only).
- Added function to autotune ADF frequencies ending in .5 KHz.
- Fixed engine hours not being zeroed by complete overhaul.
- Added enhanced rainfall sound effects.
- Improved smoothing of oil temperature gauge needle movement.
- Corrected wrong direction of drips on rear window.
- Added windshield rain effect.
- Added an option to select which audio device Accu-Sim sounds are played through ('Add-ons' menu → 'Accusim sound menu').
- Yoke manual electric trim rocker switch doesn't work without electrical power.
- Reduced AFK "emergency" low power trigger from 10 hp to 1 hp.
- Revised AFK feature so that if the predicted time to ground contact is < 5 minutes, the sim will pause.
- Fixed occasional runaway trim by autopilot if simulator is paused.
- Fixed bug causing 2-D map window to become wrongly-shaped.

Accu-Sim J-3 Cub
Version Changes (only applies to P3D v5)
- Fixed memory leak and crash to desktop involving Windshield.dll.
- Improved performance of Accu-Sim sound playback.
- Added auto cold and dark function.
- Cold start now resets engine oil temperature.
- Cold start now turns off fuel valve and carb heat levers.
- Tuned engine idle.
- Oil temperature less sensitive to outside air temperature.
- Tuned effect of sunshine and cabin heater on cabin temperature.
- Engine warms up slightly faster (based on timed tests on the real J-3).
- Improved the appearance and efficiency of visual effects.
- Improved prop animation during hand start.
- Restored gauge glass reflections.
- Resized 'overhaul' button on 2-D maintenance hangar panel.
- Improved various other aspects of 2-D panels.
- Added missing ambient occlusion material setting to engine texture.
- Disabled all avionics in aircraft.cfg except COM1 radio.
Note: thanks to A2A community member 'Hook' for helpful suggestions and testing.

Accu-Sim P-40 Warhawk
Version Changes
- Added VR support for 2-D panel windows.
- Fixed mouse drag action on throttle and prop levers and cockpit lamps.
- Fixed altimeter Kollsman window reading when set to 30.40 inHg.
- Added left and right mouse click actions to magneto knob.
- Removed sound effect if mapped hardware operates the aileron trim switch not fitted to P-40 AVG and Tomahawk IIB models.
- Improved synchronization of Accu-Sim engine thrust with host simulator.
- Improved auto cold-and-dark behaviour to reset engine temperatures to ambient conditions.
- Fixed texture mapping on elevators.
- Fixed texture mapping on rudder trim tab.
- Adjusted wing nav lights in virtual cockpit view to better match bulb position.
- Fixed visibility of formation light on right side of fuselage.

Accu-Sim P-51 Mustang (Military Version)
Version Changes
- Added VR support for 2-D panel windows.
- Fixed mouse drag action on throttle, prop and carb heat levers.
- Added windshield rain effect.
- Added enhanced rainfall sound effects.
- Added an option to select which audio device Accu-Sim sounds are played through ('Add-ons' menu → 'Accusim sound menu').
- Reduced AFK "emergency" low power trigger from 10 hp to 1 hp.
- Revised AFK feature so that if the predicted time to ground contact is < 5 minutes, the sim will pause.
- Fixed bug causing 2-D map window to become wrongly-shaped.
- Fixed Prepar3D v4 crash to desktop on exit.
- Fixed lamp artefacts on SCR-522-A radio control panel.

Accu-Sim Cherokee 180
Version Changes
- Reduced strobe light spill inwards onto wings.
- Fixed engine hours not being zeroed by complete overhaul.
- Added function to autotune ADF frequencies ending in .5 KHz.
- Added VR support for 2-D panel windows.
- Fixed mouse drag action on throttle and carb heat levers.
- Reduced susceptibility to prop strike when taxying downhill.
- Fixed artefact briefly appearing on windshield when glass fogging starts.
- Improved synchronization of Accu-Sim engine thrust with host simulator.
- Improved auto cold-and-dark behaviour to reset engine temperatures to ambient conditions.
- Added enhanced rainfall sound effects.
- Fixed bug with propeller efficiency which was creating higher than usual thrust.
- Added windshield rain effect.
- Added an option to select which audio device Accu-Sim sounds are played through ('Add-ons' menu → 'Accusim sound menu').
- Added texture to inner surface of ailerons in virtual cockpit view.
- Reduced AFK "emergency" low power trigger from 10 hp to 1 hp.
- Revised AFK feature so that if the predicted time to ground contact is < 5 minutes, the sim will pause.
- Fixed bug causing 2-D map window to become wrongly-shaped.