My FMs for BoB2

Battle of Britain "Wings of Victory"
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Airman Basic
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Joined: 26 Jun 2020, 14:22

My FMs for BoB2

Post by O.K. »

Good Day!

I wish to congratulate the team a fantastic job on BoB2 WoV development. Their effort brought me many joyful hours palying the game.
Nevertheless, there were some aspects that I was less satisfied with, for example flight models. So I spend many nights adjusting, testing and testing them. Not being an expert on the subject, this was mostly trial and error, checking via forum and available sources "how itshould be". And I managed to improve the game significantly on that matter.

I would like to share my FM (as well as bdg file). But it seems the forum has no option of adding zip attachment with my modified FMs. I hope this would be resolved somehow.

As an example, I would like to provide BF109E4 improved FM. The plane is now much more stable, particularly on the ground, during take off and landing.This was a great issue before.

Here is the content of my BF109E4.acm file:

#Aircraft setup file {
Model { 2553 160 -260 -6000 } # pitch alt CoG zPos
#Model { 2553 160 -252 -6000 } # pitch alt CoG zPos
#Thrustpoint { prop 0 0 -25 0 0 } # x y z pitch yaw
Thrustpoint { prop 0 0 -40 0 0 } # x y z pitch yaw
ENGINE { piston 1175 2100 400 30000000 # horsepower maxrpm minrpm inertia
Curves { COMM Power0 COMM Power1 Bf109 PowerAlt }
PropInertia { 15000000 15000000 30000000 } # ixx iyy izz
PropType { variable 35 90 } # minpitch maxpitch
Propeller { 155 12013 0.477 1 } # radius area ratio dir
Starter 2
MagType 1
MainPlane { 58125 197 310 22663 127 185 # area0 chord0 span0 area1 chord1 span1
Position { 120 -34 -247 386 -7 -246 } # x0 y0 z0 x1 y1 z1
Orientation { 2.5 0 6.0 -2.25 0 6.0 } # x0 y0 z0 x1 y1 z1
DragPolar { 0.02933 0.07139 } # cdo l
Curves { Bf109 Cl Cd none none Cm }
buffetAoa0 16.0
buffetAoa1 17.5
buffetM0 1
buffetM1 1
ACMmaxaoa 15.0
Control { aileron 25 0.165 0.225 1.75 } # Chord scalepos scaleneg runtime
Slipstream { 1 1 32 } # Thrust1 Thrust2 Percentage
Surface { 1 8 13050 145 # type description area span
# Position { 60 75 -770 } # x y z
Position { 60 75 -790 } # x y z
Orientation { 1.23 0 0 } # x y z
Curves { Bf109 TailCl COMM TailCd }
# Curves { COMM0.9_3927 TailCl COMM TailCd }
# Control { elevator 40 0.20925 0.25575 1.75 } # Chord scalepos scaleneg runtime
Control { elevator 40 0.10 0.12 0.75 } # Chord scalepos scaleneg runtime
# Slipstream { 1 95 } # Thrust Percentage
Slipstream { 1 60} # Thrust Percentage
Surface { 1 8 13050 145 # type description area span
# Position { -60 75 -770 } # x y z
Position { -60 75 -790 } # x y z
Orientation { 1.23 0 0 } # x y z
Curves { Bf109 TailCl COMM TailCd }
# Curves { COMM0.9_3927 TailCl COMM TailCd }
# Control { elevator 40 0.20925 0.25575 1.75 } # Chord scalepos scaleneg runtime
Control { elevator 40 0.10 0.12 0.75 } # Chord scalepos scaleneg runtime
# Slipstream { 1 95 } # Thrust Percentage
Slipstream { 1 60} # Thrust Percentage
Surface { 1 9 34500 -182 # type description area span
# Position { 0 55 -752 } # x y z
Position { 0 55 -802 } # x y z
Orientation { 0 0 -90 } # x y z
Curves { Bf109 FinCl COMM TailCd }
# Curves { COMM FinCl COMM TailCd }
# Control { rudder 45 0.25 0.25 2.25 } # Chord scalepos scaleneg runtime
# Slipstream { 1 100 } # Thrust Percentage
Control { rudder 45 0.15 0.15 1.25 } # Chord scalepos scaleneg runtime
Slipstream { 1 75 } # Thrust Percentage
Cylinder { 260 85 108 0 4 -165 0 0 0 } # length diax diay x y z ox oy oz
Cylinder { 255 75 128 0 21 -423 0 0 0 } # length diax diay x y z ox oy oz
Cylinder { 250 40 73 0 31 -675 0 0 0 } # length diax diay x y z ox oy oz
Aerodevice { 2 0 1 0.45 0.12 -0.22 0.05 4 55 306 304 71 flaps 16384 -16384 }
Aerodevice { 1 0 3 0 0.02 -0.01 0.00 2 80 308 308 71 leglowerl 16384 0 }
Aerodevice { 1 0 3 0 0.02 -0.01 0.00 2 40 1022 1022 71 leglowerr 16384 0 }
Aerodevice { 6 0 0 0 0.02 0 0.00 2 4096 310 1022 999 canopy }
Aerodevice { 3 1 0 0.27 0 0 -0.0436 2 328 1022 1022 2185 slats }
#Gear {ident stiffness damping rollres friction brakepower key gear/void min max }
#Gear { port 40455 352650 0.055 0.5 7500 updown gear 0 255 }
#Gear { stbd 46675 358950 0.055 0.5 7500 nullkey gear 0 255 }
#Gear { tail 19687 122250 0.055 0.5 0 nullkey void 0 255 }
Gear { port 30455 350000 0.055 0.4 7500 updown gear 0 255 }
Gear { stbd 30455 360000 0.055 0.4 7500 nullkey gear 0 255 }
Gear { tail 19687 102250 0.055 0.5 0 nullkey void 0 255 }
#Gear { port 30455 352650 0.055 0.4 7500 updown gear 0 255 }
#Gear { stbd 36675 358950 0.055 0.4 7500 nullkey gear 0 255 }
#Gear { tail 19687 102250 0.055 0.5 0 nullkey void 0 255 }
ModelAnim { aileronr }
ModelAnim { aileronl 32767 -32768 }
ModelAnim { elevator 32767 -32768 }
ModelAnim { rudder }
ModelAnim { rpm 0 425 }
#Trim { 1024 0 8192 } # elevator aileron rudder
Trim { 8192 0 8192 } # elevator aileron rudder
MassInertias { 13537 19675 7716 } #original
#MassInertias { 13837 22175 8916 } #upsized
#MassInertias { 12237 17175 7016 } #downsized
FuelCockTanks { 0 false false false false }
FuelCockTanks { 1 true false false false }
FuelCockTanks { 2 false false false false }
FuelCockTanks { 3 false false false false }
Data {
FuelCockType 2
SlipstreamRudder 2200
ControlForce 100
BuffetForce 100
PowerBoost 1.5
ContrailDuration 1.0

pitchmodifier 1e5
turnmodifier 4e5
#aoamodifier 2e6
aoamodifier 1e6
MaxElevatorForTightTurn 22500
rollmodifier 5e4
MaxAileron 32767
yawmodifier 1e9
maxdeltaforclosework 0.1
lastdeltapitch 0
deltapitchsum 0
deltarollsum 0
deltayawsum 0

GaugeSetup { 9 -18 18 0 } # Turn
Calibration { 9 0 0 }
GaugeSetup { 10 -30 30 -1 } # Slip Ball
Calibration { 10 0 0 }
GaugeSetup { 11 -530 268 0 } # Fuel Contents
Calibration { 11 0 0 }
GaugeSetup { 13 0 500 0 } # Fuel Pressure
Calibration { 13 0 0 }
GaugeSetup { 15 0 250 0 } # Oil Pressure
Calibration { 15 0 0 }
GaugeSetup { 16 -255 120 0 } # Oil Temperature - 30 degrees cold start, 85 degrees running, 105 degrees maximum.
Calibration { 16 0 .4 }
GaugeSetup { 17 -255 120 0 } # Coolant Temperature - 30 degrees cold start, 85 degrees running, 105 degrees maximum.
Calibration { 17 0 .4 }
GaugeSetup { 19 -1.0 2.5 0 } # Boost
Calibration { 19 0 0 }
GaugeSetup { 24 -115 110 -1 } # PropPitch0 hour hand
Calibration { 24 0 2 }
GaugeSetup { 25 -8.6 120 -7.05 } # PropPitch1 minute hand
Calibration { 25 0 0 }
GaugeSetup { 29 0 360 -1 } # Magnetic Compass
MaxDelta { 6554 }


And also BF109E4.acd file:

# model file for Bf109E4
WeightEmpty 223500
MaxIntFuel 28800
FuelTankCap { 28800 0 0 0 }
FuelTankXPos { 0 0 0 0 }
FuelTankType { 0 0 0 0 }
FuelConsumption 1
Statbin 0
blrpt_UnfriendlyBuddy "Bf109E4"
blrpt_ManualSimpleACM "Bf109E4"
blrpt_TwoEngines "Bf109E4"
blrpt_FighterWithBomb "Bf109E4"
blrpt_SkinDamagePlaneType "Bf109E4"
blrpt_109GunviewJu87Floorview "Bf109E4"
blrpt_FighterOrRearGunnerOrBomber "Bf109E4"
blrpt_RearGunner "Bf109E4"
blrpt_TurningPerformanceFighter "Bf109E4"
blrpt_NonRetractableGear "Bf109E4"
blrpt_DiveClimbFighters "Bf109E4"
blrpt_MidLevelBomber "Bf109E4"
blrpt_RAFRearGunner "Bf109E4"
blrpt_2EngineFighter "Bf109E4"
blrpt_HasCANNON "Bf109E4"
blrpt_OneEngineSimpleACM "Bf109E4"
blrpt_PrintPlaneType "Bf109E4"
blrpt_EngineCutsOutUnderNegativeG "Bf109E4"
blrpt_TurningOrDiveClimbFighters "Bf109E4"
blrpt_MaxPitchRate "Bf109E4"
blrpt_Spins "Bf109E4"
blrpt_ForceDamageTail "Bf109E4"
blrpt_DesiredCustomHeadPosOffs "Bf109E4"
blrpt_AlwaysGunSight "Bf109E4"
blrpt_HeavyBombers "Bf109E4"
blrpt_AutoDiveBomb "Bf109E4"
blrpt_GermanPrimeEscort "Bf109E4"
blrpt_FlyableSimpleACM "Bf109E4"
blrpt_PlaneRelativeStrength "Bf109E4"
blrpt_FlyableAirCraft "Bf109E4"
ShadowShpNo 362
Visible 23
SAGsubshape 376
CommsVisible 23
FuelAboff 73
Maxvel 1488900
Minvel 500000
Cruisevel 1450000
BestClimbVel 900000
BestClimbPitch 1912
MaxDiveVel 2000000
MaxAccel 4400
TurnPercs 0
RadiusTurn 0
Cockpit1 98
GunnerPit1 {98 0 0 }
GunnerPit2 {98 0 0 }
GunnerPit3 {98 0 0 }
GunnerPit4 {98 0 0 }
CockpitScale 0.25
HdgArc 8192
PitchMax 8192
PitchMin 8192
FinPitch 0
FinlhdgMin 0
FinlhdgMax 0
FinrhdgMin 0
FinrhdgMax 0
PhraseName 9989
AerobaticFactor 2
DeckAngle 2549
DeckShunt 105
MaxRollRate 13107
MaxPitchRate 5461
LandingSpeed 357000
MaxDiveRPM 3600
FreeRPM 400
MaxRPM 2400
MinRPM 400
MovableFirezoneType -1
Damage 8738
FightCeiling 1066800
AbsCeiling 1100000
MaxTurnRateAoaSL 0.2618
MuzzleVelocity 5490000
GunSnd { 29460 29461 65535 29580 29530 }
EngineSnd 29443
EngineSubSnd 29441
EngineStartSnd 29458
NoGuns 3
GunIdx1 2
GunIdx2 255
GunDelay 24
GunFrequency 120
NumACinFlight 4
MaxFlights 3
NumEngines 1
NumPilots 1
RoleType 0
IsLarge 0
EngineCutout 0
RetractableGear 1
Playable 1
Nationality 2
Cockpit 3
AIType 3
MaxHeadLeftRightOpen 32000
MaxHeadLeftRightClosed 13500
MaxHeadUp 3600
MaxHeadDown -10000
MaxHeadForward 20000
MaxHeadBackward -25000
MaxViewHeading 24576
MaxViewPitchUp 16384
MaxViewPitchDown 50972
PanCutOffFactor 0.25
EyePosXOffset 0
EyePosYOffset -1800
EyePosZOffset -12000
NearClipCockpit 8
GunSightXPos 0
GunSightYPos 0
GunSightSize 1
InstType 0
ACFlags 4
BestClimbAng { 1912 1738 1565 1391 1217 1043 869 695 522 348 174 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 }
BestClimbSpeed { 900000 900000 900000 900000 900000 900000 900000 900000 900000 900000 900000 900000 900000 900000 900000 900000 900000 900000 900000 900000 900000 }
MaxVelsl { 1250000 1305600 1352800 1416700 1458300 1488900 1466700 1441700 1427800 1416700 1388900 1157400 1157400 1157400 1157400 1157400 1157400 1157400 1157400 1157400 1157400 }
MaxvelDive_0km 2000000
MaxvelDive_11km 2000000
MaxvelDive_20km 2000000
Version 1
AcmName "Bf109E4"

These are just example. I f there is a way to add zip file -I could provide everything at once.


Staff Sergeant
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Joined: 13 Aug 2016, 15:04

Re: My FMs for BoB2

Post by rogeroger »

That is great 'O.K.', I would love to give those flight models a try. :)
Unfortunately the site does not have a 'downloads' section where uploaded files can be stored.

I use 'Mediafire' to store folders online for uploading onto the site. You would have to register by submitting an e mail address, a name and surname.

Select the basic package which is free and gives access to 10 gig of storage space. Use the upload icon to upload your zip to mediafire, copy the upload link and insert it in your post on the 'Subscriber modifications' thread.
Any problems, just shout.

I must say that in real life the bf109 did have take off and landing issues. I cant comment on the sims bf109 FM as I haven't flown it much.

Looking forward to your upcoming Fm mod post. :)

Airman Basic
Posts: 2
Joined: 26 Jun 2020, 14:22

Re: My FMs for BoB2

Post by O.K. »

rogeroger wrote: 27 Jun 2020, 01:40 That is great 'O.K.', I would love to give those flight models a try. :)
Unfortunately the site does not have a 'downloads' section where uploaded files can be stored.

I use 'Mediafire' to store folders online for uploading onto the site. You would have to register by submitting an e mail address, a name and surname.

Select the basic package which is free and gives access to 10 gig of storage space. Use the upload icon to upload your zip to mediafire, copy the upload link and insert it in your post on the 'Subscriber modifications' thread.
Any problems, just shout.

I must say that in real life the bf109 did have take off and landing issues. I cant comment on the sims bf109 FM as I haven't flown it much.

Looking forward to your upcoming Fm mod post. :)
Thank you for your interest!

The models are here: ... s.rar/file

Regarding the power of Merlin III powered Spitfires and Hurricanes: it is known that the nominal power of Merlin III engine using 87 octane fule was 1030 HP. Using 100 octane fuel it was possible to apply 5-minute boost giving 1310 HP in extremis. Since BoB2 does not model boost, I thought a compromise is needed, so I rated it as 1150 HP (close to nominal power of Merlin XII of Spitfire Mk II). With 1310 HP Spitfires easily overtake Bf-109, with 1030 HP the other way round. With 1150 HP the two are closely matched in speed, so it improves game balance fairly. But of course you can easily adjust the engine power.

In bdg file I MUCH increased the dispersion of bomber and Bf-110 gunners (up to ~1000), according to the values discussed in this thread: ... 10&t=11826 This cured the common issue in flight sims, namely way too high accuracy of bomber gunners. They can still hurt you, but attacking bombers is not suicidal, as it used to be.

The Bf-109 had landing issues (particularly heavier late G models) but using stock BOB 2.13 models this was way overdone: half of my landings ended in crash. Now it is less sensitive. Some, but lesser issues were also with Spitfires, corrected them as well -they now take off and land smoothly.

A good site on Bf-109s: I found the Bf-109 FM is much sesnitive to CoG position, much more than Spitfires and Hurricanes.

Also I increased the programmed AI climb rate of Spitfire and Hurricane in acd files. The RAF squadrons are now not decimated so easily by Bf-109 staffels while climbing.

I hope you enjoy my modifications!


Staff Sergeant
Posts: 271
Joined: 13 Aug 2016, 15:04

Re: My FMs for BoB2

Post by rogeroger »

Thanks for the mod and the bf109 site info. I just had a quick browse through it and there's a lot of good info there. I'm looking forward to using this in my campaign and quick missions later today. :D

Staff Sergeant
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Joined: 13 Aug 2016, 15:04

Re: My FMs for BoB2

Post by rogeroger »

In the campaign I'm playing the same mission over a few times just to get a feel for the hurricane's flight model. The hurricane was 50mph slower than the 109 as far as I know and the stock fm seems to reflect this, you can't catch the 109 in a straight flight, but you still could produce enough speed to at least have a fighting chance in a dogfight. With the new fm however , the hurricane seems to fly like a log a bit more than than usual and lowering the pitch at altitude doesn't seem to make much difference to engine power when compared to the stock fm.

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