v1.6.1 Update for Accu-Sim Comanche 250 MSFS

Version 1.6.1 Changes

  • Added option to use falcon71 KLN 90B GPS (this package can be downloaded from https://github.com/falcon71/kln90b).
  • Added native internal WTT mode for PMS GTN 750.
  • Fixed issue preventing flight plans from loading with default GNS 430W/530W.
  • Fixed fuel adjustment issue after restart of JPI EDM 830.
  • Fixed last digit of comm radio frequencies with 8.33 kHz spacing not being saved between sessions.
  • Tuned ground physics for more accurate crosswind handling.
  • Better detection of multi-position switches by input configurator.

The Marketplace version we hope will be released next week now the SU15 delays are being cleared by the MS Marketplace team.

A2A Forums Thread for the full update post: https://a2asimulations.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=75207